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Penn and Teller - Gun Control is BS

Apparently originating on YouTube November 7th 2008, Penn and Teller discuss the angles on gun control in their inimitable fashion.  Much joking but the message is clear.

Watch out for the self-assured and supercilious dude in his plush armchair, who knows it all and thinks the police will be there to protect him!! Guess he needs a wake up call - sadly tho his kind is typical of those who think ''ban guns'' solves it all.  He has conveniently ignored the bad guys who will always have guns and want gun control - and to heck with the law abiding folks.  He is just fine - thank you (so he thinks).

Additional - it has been found that YouTube had pulled these videos - too "PC" one has to assume. A full length copy has been acquired which should play locally. Sound level a bit low unfortunately - turn up your volume. Alternative view option - rkba-2a.com page.

Penn and Teller on Gun Control, "Gun Control is Bullshit!"

Watch the video below - a rather large 80 Mb.

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